I voted for Obama - twice. I understand where you are coming from. My sense is that he did as much as he could under the circumstances. I think that you are wrong about pinning the Sisi coup against Morsi on him. First, the Arab Spring was somewhat of a spontaneous revolutionary eruption that took everyone by surprise. It started in Tunisia, spread to Libya, then on to Egypt, and finally turned Syria into a civil war hellscape. Morsi was the result of a genuine Egyptian Revolution. Unfortunately for him, he was going up against a regime that has an eight hundred year history dating back to the Mamluks in the twelfth century. The Egyptian army is a veritable institution that has held together a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society for nearly a millennia. Not only does it have immense power, it is also a deep system of patronage within the Egyptian economy. It seemed naive in the extreme to believe that a handful of Muslim Brotherhood ideologues would so easily be able to dislodged that bear. As for Syria, it was the Russians allied to the Alawites and the Christians who were able to rain down thunder and crush the Islamic State. This was really a case of the ancient DNA of the Arab world versus the revolutionary Islamists - who ultimately lost the battle. With the exception of Libya, Obama took a hands off approach (with the exception of targeted assassinations)- it was the Russians who did the dirty work.