Personally, I support original Zionist agenda of an independent Jewish State of Israel as a homeland for Jews to live peacefully and prosper. As you point out, all of the countries in the neighborhood were carved out of the Ottoman Empire in the early to mid twentieth century. There is no difference between an independent Kurdistan, Armenia, or Israeli State. All seek to create homelands around a persecuted minority with separate cultures and/or religions. All of this has taken place in a background of Arab Nationalism, which has proven to be ideologically totalitarian and religiously intolerant - unlike traditional Islam found in earlier Empires.
That being said, I believe that Israel’s right wing is grossly mismanaging international perceptions through ongoing settler activity - specifically in the West Bank. In my opinion, this is counter to the long term interests of Israel, which after its establishment should have focused on defending its original UN mandated borders rather than expanding them, despite the horrible behavior of Palestinian militants for the past seventy years. You mention the partition of India and that after seven decades the descendants of the upheaval have largely accepted their realities and gotten on with their lives. Yes, I would agree that this is the case, but mainly because Indian settlers are not actively trying to move into Pakistan and displace the locals - or vice versa. I suspect that if they did, as the Jewish settlers are currently doing in the West Bank, that this would lead to a nuclear war. In other words, both India and Pakistan have begrudgingly accepted the partition and do not seek to actively gain opposing real-estate at the cost of peace (the odd glacier in Kashmir notwithstanding).
My sense is that a leader like Benny Gantz as opposed to Benjamin Netanyahu would be able to make this calculus, and sacrifice sketchy real-estate in favor of peace. But I may just be optimistic.